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Burying Beetle Identification Guide (southern Ontario) by Kiera Liblik  pdf version  online version

Birds of the Queen's University Biological Station Properties (2009) by Mark Conboy & Paul Martin  pdf





Martin, P.R. and C.K. Ghalambor. 2024. Data and code from: Is competitive ability the key adaptation to benign environments? Revisiting experiments on closely related species of tidal plants. Open Science Framework:

Martin, P.R., O.J. Robinson and F. Bonier. 2024. Data and code from: Rare edges and abundant cores: range-wide variation in abundance in North American birds. Open Science Framework:


Petrenko, J., P.R. Martin, R.E. Fanelli and F. Bonier. 2024. Data and code from: Urban tolerance does not protect against population decline in North American birds. Open Science Framework: doi:10.17605/ OSF.IO/CWP26


Burke, K.W., A.F. Groulx and P.R. Martin. 2024. Data and code from: The Competitive exclusion – tolerance rule explains habitat partitioning among co-occurring species of burying beetles. Dryad Dataset,


Kenyon, H.L. and P.R. Martin. 2023. Data and code from: Color as an interspecific badge of status: a comparative test. Dryad Dataset, 

Martin, P.R. and C.K. Ghalambor. 2022. Data and code from: A case for the “Competitive exclusion – tolerance rule” as a general cause of species turnover along environmental gradients. Dryad Dataset,


Basham, E.E., J.V. Briskie and P.R. Martin. 2022. Data and code from: Variation in foraging strategies of New Zealand albatross species within a dominance hierarchy. Figshare, 10.6084/m9.figshare.19993520

Wettlaufer, J.D., A. Ye, H.A. MacMillan and P.R. Martin. 2022. Data from: A test of the competitive ability – cold tolerance trade-off hypothesis in seasonally breeding beetles. Dryad Dataset,

Wettlaufer, J.D., K.W. Burke, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2021. Data from: Partitioning resources through the seasons: abundance and phenology of carrion beetles (Silphidae) in southeastern Ontario. Dryad Dataset,

Kenyon, H.L. and P.R. Martin. 2021. Data from: Experimental tests of selection against heterospecific aggression as a driver of avian color pattern divergence. Dryad Dataset,

Collard, A.E., J.D. Wettlaufer, K.W. Burke, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2020. Data from: Body size variation in a guild of carrion beetles. Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R., K. Burke and F. Bonier. 2020. Data from: Plasticity versus evolutionary divergence: what causes habitat segregation in urban-adapted birds? Dryad Dataset,


Burke, K.W., J.D. Wettlaufer, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2020. Data from: Habitat use of co-occurring burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus) in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R., H.L. Kenyon and L. Hayes. 2020. Data from: Size‐dependent costs of migration: migrant bird species are subordinate to residents, but only at small body sizes. Dryad Dataset,


Martin, P.R. and F. Bonier, F. 2018, Data from: Species interactions limit the occurrence of urban-adapted birds in cities, v2, Dryad Dataset,

Wettlaufer, J.D., K.W. Burke, A. Schizkoske, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2018. Data from: Ecological divergence of burying beetles into the forest canopy.

Rohwer, V.G., A. Pauw, P.R. Martin. 2017, Data from: Fluff-thieving birds sabotage seed dispersal, Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R., C. Freshwater and C.K. Ghalambor. 2017. Data from: The outcomes of most aggressive interactions among closely related bird species are asymmetric.

Purves, E.F., M.A. Conboy, R.J. Robertson and P.R. Martin. 2016. Data from: Does white tail patch size indicate quality in male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea), Dryad Dataset,

Rohwer, V.G., F. Bonier and P.R. Martin. 2015. Data from: Conflict between biotic and climatic selective pressures acting on an extended phenotype in a subarctic, but not temperate, environment, Dryad Dataset,

Bothwell, E., R. Montgomerie, S.C. Lougheed and P.R. Martin. 2015. Data from: Closely related species of birds differ more in body size when their ranges overlap—in warm, but not cool, climates, Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed. 2015. Data from: Color patterns of closely-related bird species are more divergent at intermediate levels of breeding range sympatry, Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R. and C.K. Ghalambor. 2014. Data from: When David beats Goliath: The advantage of large size in interspecific aggressive contests declines over evolutionary time.

Freshwater, C., C.K. Ghalambor and P.R. Martin. 2014. Data from: Repeated patterns of trait divergence between closely related dominant and subordinate bird species.

Bonier, F., C. Eikenaar, P.R. Martin and I.T. Moore. 2013. Data from: Extrapair paternity rates vary with latitude and elevation in Emberizid sparrows, Dryad Dataset,

Danner, R.M. et al. 2011, Data from: Female, but not male, tropical sparrows respond more strongly to the local song dialect: implications for population divergence., Dryad Dataset,

Martin, P.R., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed. 2010. Data from: Rapid sympatry explains greater color pattern divergence in high latitude birds.


Paul Martin and Lab
Department of Biology

Queen's University
Kingston, ON  K7L 3N6

photos on the website by Paul (except for the photos of people, or those otherwise credited)

Street/Room address:

Biosciences Complex, 

Room 4320,  

116 Barrie Street, 

Kingston, ON  

K7L 3N6  Canada

lab phone: 613.533.6000

ext. 77334

Alternate email for Paul:
phone: +001 613.533.6598

(Paul Office)

fax: +001 613.533.6617

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