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Schrempf, S., K.W. Burke, J.D. Wettlaufer and P.R. Martin. 2021. Behavioural dominance interactions between Nicrophorus orbicollis and N. tomentosus burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae). PeerJ 9: e10797.  link  [Scott Schrempf's honours thesis project in our lab]


Martin, P.R. and J.V. Briskie. 2021. Dominance interactions among New Zealand albatrosses and petrels at ecotourist boats. Notornis 68: 51-64pdf

Martin, P.R., C. Freshwater and C.K. Ghalambor. 2017. The outcomes of most aggressive interactions among closely related bird species are asymmetric. PeerJ 5:e2847.  link  dataset


Martin, P.R. and C.K. Ghalambor. 2014. When David beats Goliath: The advantage of large size in interspecific aggressive contests declines over evolutionary time. PLOS ONE 9: e108741. link  dataset 


Freshwater, C., C.K. Ghalambor and P.R. Martin. 2014. Repeated patterns of trait divergence between closely related dominant and subordinate bird species. Ecology 95:2334-2345.  pdf  dataset 

Martin, P.R. and R.C. Dobbs. 2014. Asymmetric response to heterospecific songs in two sympatric wrens (Troglodytidae) in Argentina: House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) and Mountain Wren

(T. solstitialis). Ornitología Neotropical 25:407-419.  pdf

Martin, P.R., J.R. Fotheringham, L. Ratcliffe, and R.J. Robertson. 1996. Response of American Redstarts (suborder Passeri) and Least Flycatchers (suborder Tyranni) to heterospecific playback: the role of song in aggressive interactions and interference competition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39:227-235.  pdf



Martin, P.R. and F. Bonier. 2018. Species interactions limit the occurrence of urban-adapted birds in cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 115:E11495-E11504.  link  R code & dataset


Kenyon, H.L. and P.R. Martin. 2021. Experimental tests of selection against heterospecific aggression as a driver of avian color pattern divergence. Journal of Evolutionary Biology in press. [part of Haley Kenyon's graduate work in our lab]

Martin, P.R., H.L. Kenyon and L. Hayes. 2020. Size‐dependent costs of migration: migrant bird species are subordinate to residents, but only at small body sizes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology  link  R code & dataset


Bothwell, E., R. Montgomerie, S.C. Lougheed and P.R. Martin. 2015. Closely related species of birds differ more in body size when their ranges overlap — in warm, but not cool, climates. Evolution 69:1701-1712.  pdf  R code & dataset 

Martin, P.R., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed. 2015. Bird color patterns are more divergent at intermediate levels of breeding range sympatry. American Naturalist 185:443-451.  pdf  R code & dataset

Martin, P.R., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed. 2010. Rapid sympatry explains greater color pattern divergence in high latitude birds. Evolution 64:336-347.  pdf  dataset


Martin, P.R. 2015. Trade-offs and biological diversity: integrative answers to ecological questions. Pages 291-308 in L.B. Martin, C.K. Ghalambor, and H.A. Woods (editors). Integrative Organismal Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.  pdf


Martin, P.R., K. Burke and F. Bonier. 2021. Plasticity versus evolutionary divergence: what causes habitat partitioning in urban-adapted birds?  American Naturalist 197: 60-74.  link  R code & dataset

Burke, K.W., J.D. Wettlaufer, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2020. Habitat use of co-occurring burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus) in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98:591–602.  link


Wettlaufer, J.D., K.W. Burke, A. Schizkoske, D.V. Beresford and P.R. Martin. 2018. Ecological divergence of burying beetles into the forest canopy. PeerJ 6:e5829.  link  R code & dataset 


Rohwer, V.G., A. Pauw and P.R. Martin. 2017. Fluff-thieving birds sabotage seed dispersal. Royal Society Open Science 4:160538.  link dataset 



Martin, P.R. and T.E. Martin. 2001. Ecological and fitness consequences of species coexistence: a removal experiment with wood warblers. Ecology 82:189-206.  pdf

Martin, P.R. and T.E. Martin. 2001. Behavioral interactions between coexisting species: song playback experiments with wood warblers. Ecology 82:207-218.  pdf


Munim, S., R.E. Fanelli and P.R. Martin. 2021. A male Field Sparrow paired with a female Clay-colored Sparrow in southeastern Ontario. Ontario Birds 39: 2-14. 


Martin, P.R. 2015. The paradox of the Birds-of-Paradise: persistent hybridization as a signature of historical reinforcement. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 8:58-66.  link


King, L.E.,  V.J. Emery, R.J. Robertson, R. Vallender and P.R. Martin. 2009. Population densities of Golden-winged Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, and their hybrids, in eastern Ontario. Ontario Birds 27:2-22.  pdf

Rohwer, S. and P.R. Martin. 2007. Time since contact and gene flow may explain variation in hybrid frequencies among three Dendroica townsendi D. occidentalis (Parulidae) hybrid zones. Auk 124:1347-1358.  pdf


Martin, P.R. and B.M. Di Labio. 1994. Natural hybrids between the Common Goldeneye, Bucephala clangula, and the Barrow’s Goldeneye, B. islandica. Canadian Field-Naturalist 108:195-198.  pdf

Paul Martin and Lab
Department of Biology

Queen's University
Kingston, ON  K7L 3N6

photos on the website by Paul (except for the photos of people, or those otherwise credited)

Street/Room address:

Biosciences Complex, 

Room 4320,  

116 Barrie Street, 

Kingston, ON  

K7L 3N6  Canada

lab phone: 613.533.6000

ext. 77334

Alternate email for Paul:
phone: +001 613.533.6598

(Paul Office)

fax: +001 613.533.6617

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